There are many factors that can influence the size and shape of the lips:

  • Ageing – as we age, collagen and elastin, proteins that control firmness and elasticity of the skin and support soft tissue, break down. The muscles around the mouth also become thinner and lose definition.

  • UV exposure – the sun’s rays and rays from tanning beds both encourage the breakdown of collagen,

  • Dehydration – when lips don’t have moisture, they dry out and shrink. As they are always exposed, they are prone to suffering damage.

  • Pursing or puckering – repetitive facial movements can cause wrinkles, making the mouth appear smaller, speeding up the natural ageing process where the lip curls in on itself.

  • Smoking – smoking affects the lips in two ways; firstly through the toxins in smoke, which encourage the breakdown of collagen. Secondly, the act of pursing lips in the process of smoking causes wrinkles, making the mouth appear smaller.

If you can tell someone has had their lips done, then they haven’t been done properly.
— Dr Fitzgerald

treatment for thin lips

Treatments for the lips involve injections of dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid.  The choice of filler will depend on the desired outcome, be it increased volume, better definition, soft hydration or softening of the ‘barcode lines’ around the lip.

vertical lip lines

Often called smokers’ lines or barcode lines. Everyone develops these lines sooner or later whether they smoke or not, and they are a source of self-consciousness for many. Women often complain that their lipstick bleeds into them.

They are caused by ageing of the skin with loss of collagen and elastin, by the constant repetitive movements of the mouth with speech and eating, and by the loss of support in this area due to ageing changes in the underlying bony skeleton. Smokers develop them earlier than non-smokers because smoking is so toxic to the skin that the collagen and elastin break down prematurely.

Treatment for Vertical Lip Lines

Deeply etched barcode lines have hitherto been difficult to treat satisfactorily but there are some new injectable hyaluronic acid filler products that Dr Fitzgerald has introduced into her portfolio which are producing super results.

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